โดยปกติ รหัสผ่านจะค่อนข้างถาวร คือเมื่อคุณตั้งรหัสผ่านแล้ว คุณก็สามารถใช้รหัสผ่าน ...
Nếu bạn có lo lắng về việc bảo mật dữ kiện số hoặc các cuộc trao đổi với người khác, chúng tôi sẵn sàng giúp bạn nơi đây. Tự Vệ Chống Theo Dõi là một cẩm nang về bảo mật số chỉ dẫn bạn ...
There are many privacy and security guides on the Internet that teach users to use a specific set of tools, such as password safes or VPNs or the Tor Browser Bundle. SSD includes step-by-step ...
Un site Web qui permet à ses utilisateurs d’accéder à d’autres sites Web bloqués ou censurés. Habituellement, le mandataire Web vous permettra de taper une adresse Web ou (URL) sur une page Web et ...
For quick reference, we've created a handy guide designed to be printed, folded, and carried in your pocket (PDF download). Now, more than ever, citizens must be able to hold those in power ...
With so many companies and websites offering tools geared towards helping individuals improve their own digital security, how do you choose the tools that are right for you? We don’t have a foolproof ...
የተለምዶ የማመስጠሪያ ስርዓቶች መልዕክትን ለማመስጠር እና ለመፍታት ተመሳሳይ ምስጠራን ወይም ቁልፍን ይጠቀማሉ። ስለዚህ "bluetonicmonster" በሚል የማለፊያ ቃል ...
Mobile phones have become ubiquitous and basic communications tools—now used not only for phone calls, but also for accessing the Internet, sending text messages, and documenting the world.
A password used to unlock a store of other passwords or other ways to unlock programs or messages. You should make a master password as strong as you can.
This page was translated from English. The English version may be more up-to-date. This is an overview of network censorship, but it is not comprehensive. Governments, companies, schools, and internet ...