Amnesty Canada and our partners have a lineup of powerful events coming your way. Mark your calendars and connect with other ...
We all worry about climate change and the violations of human rights it brings. We want the climate crisis to be dealt with ...
Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ currently face the highest rates of femicide in Canada. They make up 16 per cent of ...
People in Iran continue to endure the devastating consequences of the authorities’ brutal crackdown on the “Woman Life ...
Prisoner of Conscience Designation Following his 60 days house arrest sentencing on July 31, 2024, Amnesty International took ...
Otaibi, a 30-year-old fitness instructor and women’s rights activist, contacted her family on September 1, 2024, after a ...
Sharifeh Mohammadi, a human rights defender, is at risk of execution. A Revolutionary Court in Rasht, Gilan province, ...
Maryia Kalesnikava has been unfairly imprisoned for four years because of her role in the 2020 Belarus election and peaceful ...
Imagine being punished just for saying what you believe is right. This is what happened to a young woman named Manahel al-Otaibi. Manahel is 30 years old ...
In August 2024, the Huthi authorities in Yemen released four Baha’i individuals who had been detained for over a year. The released individuals are ...
President Javier Milei vetoed a bill passed by Congress aimed at improving pensions for older adults. This bill was designed to address ...
On January 13, 2024, the Internal Security Agency (ISA) arrested activist and blogger Maryam Mansour al-Warfalli. also known as "Nakhla Fezzan." The ISA, ...